Renewal Young adults exists to cultivate fellowship with other believers and encourage renewal of Spirit and Mind with the Word of God.

Our mission is to provide a community for young people ages 18-35 years to grow in their faith and develop strong relationships with one another. Through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, service, mentoring, and outreach, we aim to equip our members to live out their faith in their daily lives and make a positive impact in their communities. Above all, we seek to keep Christ at the center of everything we do, and to encourage one another to deepen our relationship with Him.

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies a a living sacrafice, holy & pleasing to God - this is true and proper worship" - Romans 12:2

If you are interested in partnering with this ministry, donating store bought snacks and desserts, preparing a homemade meal, and/or opening your home for a movie or game night gathering, please contact us. Every bit of help is more than appreciated. 

To get more info on this ministry or if you have questions reach out to Ruben Valerio.