Greetings, Church Family!

I just want to share how much of a blessing it’s been for me to step in and assist Pastor John and Maria, as well as the congregation of Calvary Chapel Pahrump Valley, our home church!

The staff and leaders have been outstanding, making my role that much easier. Lots of fine folk in this here church!

The Lord is faithfully adding to the ministry of the church, and it’s bearing much fruit. I have dubbed Christianity in Pahrump “Christianity Raw.” What I mean by that is it’s real. No one’s too big for their britches, and there’s a beautiful humility that the Lord is increasing among us.

Anyway, thanks for your gracious kindness to Sheri and me. We’re blessed.

-Bill and Sheri Holdridge


M-pact Kids Club Is up and running strong on Wednesday evenings @ 6:30pm. The girls are called Missionettes and the boys are called Royal Rangers. The kickoff for our boys group was Wednesday August 7. We are still looking for more able-bodied men/fathers to step up and assist us in ministering to the boys. You can register your sons at the info table after service or ask to speak with Kayli Schumacher, Emanuel Todd or David Nice for more details.

Young Adults ages 20 to mid-30's meet every other Friday.  They meet at 6pm inside the Church Discipleship House @ 1081 Mickey St., adjacent to the Chapel grounds. This is what happens: Dinner, Worship, Fellowship, Bible Study, and fun n’ games. The church will provide childcare for those families with small children free of charge. Ask to speak with Shelley or Richard Acosta for more information. Note: those with children must RSVP.They meet tonight 8/23 and 9/6.

Bible Imprinting Ministry is always looking for servants to assist in imprinting names and attaching stickers to the Bibles we distribute to people throughout our community. Please see Rudy Baumgart for more info.

The Youth Group meets every Sunday during the 10:30am Worship Service inside the Children's Ministry Building for Bible Study, Fellowship, and fun games. Ask to speak with John & Tammy Aberle for more information.

Spanish Speaking Bible Study meets on Friday's evenings @ 6:30pm inside our Church Cafe'. Our hope and prayer is for this Bible study to transition into a Spanish speaking Sunday morning Church service. Please keep this endeavor in prayer and help us get the word out to all our Spanish speaking members in our church family as well as all those who call our community home. For more info ask to speak with Anibal Guzman. 

The Garden Ministry has scheduled September 18th for the participation and education on planting and growing fresh fruits and vegetables, proper maintenance as well as sharing new ideas, and techniques. Whether you have already adopted a garden bed or would like to do so, or start one of your own at home. Feel free to join us from 8:30 – 10am. If you're in need of more information please ask to speak with Yesenia Sanchez after any Sunday morning service.

Homeless Ministry meets in the church parking lot every Saturday morning @10am to pray and go out to serve the homeless in our community. Everyone is welcome to join us. We are always collecting non-perishable food items to distribute to the homeless in our community. If you would like to participate you can pick up a list of the specific items needed at the info desk, and drop them off at the church, ask to speak with Jennifer Reynolds for more information.

We Have Bible Studies that meet throughout the week that provide an opportunity to dive deeper into the Sunday morning sermons and fellowship with (and develop lasting friendships with) other believers.

Monday- 5:00pm Ladies Bible Study @ the Garcia home, book study led by Tanya Banuelos (702) 807-5999


Tuesday- 5:30pm @the Litka Home: (On Break until October) interactive Sermon-based, everyone's welcome, led by Tom Litka (909) 353-9646.

Tuesday- 6:00pmLadies Bible Study@ the Blackstone Family Home, interactive Sermon Based led by Stacey Latislaw (951) 299-6922


Wednesday- 4:00pm Ladies Bible Studyinside the Multi-Purpose Building, Book study led by Shelley Acosta 775-910-8126.


Wednesday -6:30pm Bivens family home, everyone is welcome.  An interactive book study led by Dave Clasen.


Wednesday- 6:30pm inside the sanctuary. Interactive, sermon-based. Includes: voluntary open prayer, and worship.

Thursday - 9:00am “Coffee with Jesus” inside the Children’s Ministry Building led by Dave Clasen.

Thursday- 5:00pm Goldberg Family Home, Interactive Sermon Based Bible Studyeveryone's welcome, led by Ed Kluss (775) 419-4194.

Thursday -6:00pm (On Break until October) Bivens family home, everyone is welcome.  An interactive book study led by Tom Litka (909) 353-9646.

The Men's Ministry also provides small Discipleship Groups that meet throughout the week @ different locations, days, and times.Ask to speak with Manuel Gonzalez, Mike Doeller, or Brian Jacobs for more info.

The Grief Share Ministry meets on Tuesday evenings @ 5:00pm Inside the Multi-Purpose Room Building. If you or someone you know is in need of meeting with someone for comfort, support, and encouragement, please ask to speak with Colleen Sando after service on Sundays for more information.

We are hosting our next Widows Lunch on Thursday August 29th, in September it will be on 26th.  Fellowship starts @11:30am Lunch is served @12:30pm. If you would like to assist us in preparing and serving food to these wonderful ladies, please ask to speak with Lillian Knapp for more info.

School of Ministry: for those enrolled in the School of Ministry our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday September 24th @ 6pm inside the Main Sanctuary Building.

Beatty Baptist Church: please pray for Pastor Jim Burns there’s been a little bit of a hiccup since he accepted the pastoral role to serve the Beatty Baptist church. They are very welcoming to him, but he needs wisdom to determine next steps. Pray that the Lord would pour His Holy Spirit out upon him and the Beatty Community.

Parking Lot- Please be aware that we have additional parking on the south side of the sanctuary building. In an effort to keep our relationship with our neighbors in good standing and those exiting out onto Pahrump Valley Blvd safely. We would kindly ask you not to park on the shoulder of Pahrump Valley Blvd. or Mickey Street. By doing so we will establish great visibility for those exiting and entering the parking lot as well as those traveling down the road. We appreciate your cooperation in this.

KCPV 95.9 FM Faith FM Radio is currently up and running on the internet. If you have Alexa at home, you can ask it to LAUNCH FAITH FM RADIO. We are in the process of developing other apps to have on your mobile devices. We are rejoicing that OUR ZONING APPLICATION HAS BEEN APPROVED by the planning dept. Hallelujah, Jesus! Our next step now is to pray for the county commissioners' approval. God has taken us this far and we are believing Him to take us all the way to completion, Amen.


Pahrump Fall Festival. We will have a booth set up at this year's Fall Festival September 19th-22nd to promote the New Radio Station, and Free Medical Clinic to be at the church in November, as well as imprinting Bibles with people’s names on them, and of course sharing the Gospel with our community. We will be in need of many volunteers to assist us in this outreach event. More information will be made available at the info desk.

In Jesus Name Medical Ministry on Saturday November 16th from 10am-3pm. We will transform our sanctuary building into a medical clinic to offer free of charge medical care to the people of our community. For those who are currently registered in the medical field and would like to serve please go to the website and click on the volunteer tab and fill out the volunteer application. For others desiring to serve we will be in need of those to prepare food, hospitality, set up, and take down. We are so thankful to God for this opportunity to serve together.

Pastor John’s next time in the pulpit at CCPV will be September 8. Pray for the remainder of their time away, that it would be blessed and restorative.

Sunday, September 1 will be Communion Sunday. Let’s remember Jesus!

Finally, don’t forget to remember God’s faithfulness in each of your lives. And don’t forget to be filled with the Holy Spirit! He loves to work in the lives of the people of God!

In HIS Service,

Bill Holdridge

News You Can Use

Breaking, but Certainly not Broken

     The Tuesday night Litka Bible study and the Thursday night Litka/Bivens study are both on break for the month of September. Come quickly, dear September!

     Renewal Young Adults will not meet the week of Fall Festival (9/19-9/22). This is a great opportunity for the Renewal group to meet at Petrack Park, and participate in the outreach.

New Beginnings

     Intercessory Prayer Ministry every Sunday, during the 8:30 service. It’s happening inside the upper Children's Ministry classroom. Be part of the furnace that ignites a spiritual fire for the glory of God!

     The new C3 Ministry (the clothing ministry for the homeless) is off to a great start! C3 stands for "Comfortable, Casual, Clean."Only the best for those whom we bless.

     Homeless Wraparound Event will be September 20 at the Nye County Coalition. CCPV is putting together a team to assist in passing out clothing and facilitating the shower trailer. What a fun team that would be to be part of! And such a blessing to many!

     Fall Festival 9/19-22 needing volunteers to staff informational and prayer booth. See Sandi Gonzalez for more information.

     Ladies Bible studies are starting back up in September. Mondays on 9/7, Tuesdays on 9/3, and Wednesdays on 9/4.

Is It Happening?

     There will be a Spanish Study the week of the Fall Festival. Iglesia el Calvario, Fridays from 6:30PM - 8:00PM

     Monthly Men's Breakfast … Saturday, September 21 at 7:00AM at the church facility. Come at 5:30 if you’d love to serve by setting up and/or cooking.

     Grief Share will be finishing this session on September 3, and then will be on break for a while. People can still seek out ministry leader Colleen Sando for information.

Looking Ahead 

     October Outreach - Harvest Party in lieu of traditional Halloween celebrations. We’re planning trunk or treat along with finding creative ways to share the gospel. See Sandi Gonzalez for more information.